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So two weeks ago I set aside a chunk of time and mental energy to write an email or two. one to my ex for allegedly worrying him when I didn’t reply to his asking about the Saint’s next visit, and taking full accountability for that whole situation. (He did not acknowledge a single word of that mail, as it happens… but it needed to be said, so I said it. He’d prefer to leave unadressed my contention that our 14 year old is old enough to bus here by himself, considering he let the kid do so back in October, but has since changed his mind, thus adding to the burden the second email was meant to address.)

The second was to everyone who has transported my kids to and from the ferry to try and get better co-ordinated so that no one person was swamped with the duties. The results: I have commitments from two drivers and a contingency plan in place. Hurray organisation, and double hurray communiation. My stress levels have diminished significantly as a result.

On the roll of getting ducks in a row (so they may more easily be made into duck soup) I saw my doctor, got x-rays of elbows and wrists done, and filed for social assistance as a resident cripple (actually that last started on Wednesday last week when I called them and went through the phone interview: Friday was just putting in paperwork and signing things and proving things). End results: I have some funds coming in, I have a new medication to try (at a cost of $160 a month because it supposedly isn’t covered, even by my new status as a gov’t reco’nised cripple),I have an appointment at a physiotherapist (at a cost of $15 a visit, because assistance pays at 1996 rates…) I have a rheumatologist to see soon, (no idea if that will be completely covered, either) and there’s some light on the horiszon physically.

At least once the moneys start coming in, I will be able to be less of a burden on my sister, although it seems I’ll be more of a burden on the driver to all these various appointments, at least I’ll be able to buy lunch, and contrbute gas funds in exchange.

So movement, yes, and with movement, as always, pain. My doctor was very careful to note that I need exercise, and where most people she would say stop when it hurts, with fibro, she has to say keep going, but it appears my fibro is complicated by other things as well (RA, at the least), so movement is one of those creaky, achey things, physically, and emotionally.

I am looking forward to being able to chip in around here, and to buy the few things I’m in need of, for both myself and for the kids. It’d be nice to be able to buy a birthday present or two… and a grad gift for my eldest. (!)

Until I see the extent of the damages from physio, rheum, and meds, I can’t even really budget how much I’ll be giving to my sister, so I can’t even write myself a lil wishlist… but it doesn’t stop my brain from going there.

Written by filidhe

May 20, 2009 at 7:23 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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